tacos with grilled chicken (who knew you could buy it already cooked and pre-packaged?) pieces of avocado (chopped up in deformed chunks...how am i supposed to know how to slice a friggin avocado?), tomato salsa, and cheddar cheese, with a side of yellow corn tostitos and salsa with melted cheese. YUM!
basically these tacos and the salad from my previous post are two small steps for actual cooking, two giant leaps for creativity and excitement for susie at mealtime. which makes me happy happy happy!
today in general was pretty good. work was alright (i work at a "burger joint," if you will) with the exception of an annoying customer. in the restaurant business (diner business? somewhere in between restaurant and fast food?), no matter how good a job you are doing, once in a while you will be told that you are doing it badly. it's just part of the game. so today i'm refilling the iced tea dispenser when a lady comes up to me and says, "excuse me. i'm really dissappointed. i SAW you take out food to other customers. but you just LEFT mine up there, and i had to leave my toddler in the corner to go get it." i replied with, "oh, i'msorryiwasrefillingtheicedteawedon'talwaystakeoutfood usuallywejustcallnumbers," to which she replied, *dirty look.*
the truth is, lady, this is a burger joint. we're not waiters, we're cashiers. we call out your number when your order is ready and you come and get it. sometimes if it's not busy, we're extra nice and we bring your food to your table out of the goodness of our hearts, to which most sensible people say "OH! you BROUGHT it to me! how kind!" cause it's not expected.
so...i'm sorry you had to walk a total of 10 feet to grab your food.
once again, it's just part of the game.
anyways, what else happened today? my lovely friend mike who i hadn't seen in a while stopped by, which was nice.
also, when my shift was over, i did what i always do on my walk home. i whipped out my cd player (i sold my ipod a while ago to help pay for that month's rent. so now i'm going old school but i want to get another ipod that holds more music in the near future...too much information?) and commenced the heavenly, glorious, transcendental experience of singing showtunes. ooh, you laugh. but i have so much fun that i don't care if people see me. well...i care enough to pause the music if someone is walking close by but then i just bust out again. tonight it was legally blonde, the musical. (anyone see the reality show on mtv? looooved it)
i'm sure there are some who might think it's dorky but it is one of my absolutely favorite things to do in the whole wide world-- sing. the fact that i love it so much is enough for me to not care what people think if they see me, you know, performing songs full out on the street. although that is kind of a funny image i must admit...
the other day my co-worker and i saw each other across the street when we were both on our way to work. once we got inside the restaurant he says,
"You were singin!"
"You heard me all the way from the other side of the street?!"
"Yeah! You were singin loud!"
"I was?! Oops..."
"It's cool though, you were happy!"
damn straight.
1 comment:
This made me lawl! I love singing too, but I don't have the courage to sing while walking down the road. Heck, it's difficult enough for me to practice my ocarina if I just think people are around. But I'm working on that. Note to self: confidence. Right-o.
This's Jacob by the way. Found the link on your Facebook. I'll link you to my blog when it's in... better condition. Yep!
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